The Dove Prebiotic Hand Soap worked out better than expected


Whenever, the $25/93 Make it Drizzle Ibotta Bonus appeared, I decided to participate in the challenge because I haven't actively participated in a large Ibotta bonus in a very long time...and it's to prove to myself that I can still extreme coupon IF I need to do so.

Somethings that help me is that when I see peelie coupons on products, I grab at least five. I never grab all the peelies because I think that it's bad karma to take them all.

Yesterday, I realized that I needed to make 3 redemptions, in order, to complete the $5/18 Midweek Money Maker.  I almost walked away from completing the offer because there were no free offers.  However, I remembered that Ibotta was offering $3 Dove Prebiotic Hand Soap, limit 5 and the hand soap is regularly priced at $4.97.  I had two of the $2 Dove Prebiotic Hand Soap peelies left.

My quick math in my head - Buy 3 = $15 - $4 peelies = $11 - $9 IB - $5 IB Bonus = $4 MM

I would have much rather go to Target to do the deal but every Target in San Diego are out of stock Dove Prebiotic Hand Soap.🤣

I went to Walmart about 7:30 p.m., last night, and there was like only six of the hand soaps on the shelf.  I got a young girl cashier and I swear that she kept scanning the peelies until they applied all three products.🤣

Buy 3 = $15 - $6 peelies = $9 - $9 IB - $5 IB Bonus = $5 MM

I then submitted my receipt to Fetch Rewards and I got back $3.50 making the hand soap FREE + $8.50 MM!!! 

Long story, short...when you see coupon peelies or tearpads get a few them!

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