Walmart: FREE+MM Raid Essentials Flying Insect Light Trap Starter Kit⏰


Walmart sells the Raid Essentials Flying Insect Light Trap Starter Kit + refill for $19.93 and there's a $10 Ibotta offer and (3) $10 amigos offers which will make the Raid FREE + $20 MM!!!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Cheryl! I was hoping that the Ibotta offer would reset but then I saw a youtube video talking about the Raid Light Trap deal.🤣🤣🤣

  2. Grrr, only one WM near me carries the trap, app said in stock but when dh got there they were out of stock :(

    1. Cheryl, I had the same problem as your husband but there was another store not too far away that I was able to grab it.

  3. Ms. B- next store was to far away and dh had to go to a work luncheon in Anaheim Hills and didn't know how bad traffic would be. Offer is still showing on my list but I do not drive more than 3 miles anymore- getting old sucks!

    1. Cheryl there is so much traffic that the traffic of 10 years ago, is not the horrific traffic of today. I won't even travel on the freeways during commute traffic bc it's so so so bad BUT I can pretty get to where I want go using just the local roads & avoiding the freeways.

  4. Ms. B- I stopped driving freeways 20 years ago. My back hurts to much to drive so only go to stores close by for a good deal or send dh but he works 30 miles away during the week

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