It's February which means that we can go to our rebate apps and requests our funds!!!!
My 2015 MacBook Air finally crashed and burned which I knew that it was on its last leg because Apple had stopped providing software updates. Apple does the same with their phones BUT as luck would have it, I had ordered a MacBook Air M2 the night before that was to be delivered the day that my 2015 MacBook died.
My middle brother is the tech guy in the family so I had already many conversations about which MacBook, I should get. Initially, I wanted the MacBook Pro because of my blogging, I use a lot a memory due to those darn pictures on my blogs even with me deleting the pictures, there are like backup pictures because of the cloud and there's just a lot of redundancy on our computers.
Then there was the decision between the M2 or M3 but really the only difference between the two is that M3 is capable of adding a second monitor which I knew I didn't need. There's a variable that there is supposed to be an M4 coming out, this year, but my brother said that I didn't need it.
Also, we paid cash for this computer, as it was a planned purchase. Let me back up a little bit. I paid for the computer with my credit card for the rewards points and once the purchase hit the credit card, we paid the credit card in its entirety with the money from our checking.
The thing with money is that you have to have a budget on how much you are spending for housing, utilities, food, car maintenance, entertainment and you should have a little discretionary/slush fund.
I know that people don't understand about getting excited about saving $11.82 Palmolive Dish Soaps but it gives us more wiggle room when expenses pop up that we hadn't planned because life is always lifeing. I didn't have skyrocketing eggs on my Bingo Card for February but we were blessed with those Friday only $2.50 Any Brand Eggs Ibotta offer but having a budget let's us know in advance that we do or don't have a discretionary spending fund in our budget and we can or can't afford the eggs.
Anyways, I got back $44.34 from Ibotta, $7.32 from Woodbury settlement and $19.48 from Brand Club.
Below are my favorite deals in February:
$0.51 MM Farm Rich Potato Skins
$6 MM (2) Coke 12pk & (2) Fanta 12pk
FREE bag of Sunkist Organic Cara Cara Oranges
Kellogg's Frosted Flake Cereal only $0.13 ea
Dawn Power Wash Refills $1.99 ea
4 FREE Palmolive Dish Soaps
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