I finished the $20 Cranberry Crawl Ibotta bonus๐ŸŽ‰⭐️๐Ÿพ


YES!!!!!! This morning, I have officially completed the $20 Cranberry Crawl Ibotta bonus and as you see by th picture above, I am more than half way through with the $5 Midweek Money Maker bonus!!!  I could have completed the Cranberry on Saturday but I wanted to stack the offers.

I now have unlocked the free Thanksgiving offers (the Birds Eye and Hawaiian Rolls) which will count towards the $7/20 Turkey Trot Triumph bonus that expires on 11/25.


  1. At Ralphs they have the Carando Italian Meatballs for $5. There is a Shopkick offer. Found them in the freezer section. They are 16 ounces!

  2. Wifey and I are holding off getting the free $13.98 turkey roast until we see where it will give us the most bang for the buck. Haven’t bought the King’s rolls, Birds Eye, Daisy or Cool Whip either. All are 100% grocery spend since the cash back from Ibotta isn’t a coupon. So with a purchase total of over $20 it’s at least 80 Ralph’s fuel points on 4X Friday if we don’t see a more juicy redemption opportunity.

    1. I got it at Walmart. The Butterball Boneless Turkey Breast Roast is $12.97, so $1.01 money maker.

  3. Vons has Yoplait and Oikos yogurts on the pick 4. There is a Vons digital coupon and Ibotta for Yoplait. I had two Vons digital coupons for Oikos and both came off when I bought 2. There is also an Ibotta offer for Oikos.

  4. Yes, the Yoplait singles are a good deal this week. 49 cents each if you buy 4 or more, 50c/5 digital and 50c/5 Ibotta. Works on the protein variety in the white and green container too which is very low sugar.


Vons/Albertsons: Kevin's Natural Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz Only $3.99

Kevin's Natural Foods Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz $7.99  -  $3.99 REBATE   = $3.99 (Thanks, NJ!)

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