Plotting and Planning




The long Labor Day weekend is finally here and so it's time to relax and enjoy your down time!!!!  It's also the last day of August which means that you can request your funds from the rebate apps.
Just remember with a lot of these free or money maker deals, you've got to head to the ASAP because with the high inflation there are lots of people that are literally running to store and grabbing the freebies  and money because their family depends on it.

A lot of people can't get food stamps because they make good money but their money is going to paying high rent or high mortgage payments or they have a hefty car payment and insurance. 

There will not be a coupon insert inside the Sunday newspapers as it is the Labor Day weekend and you'll be too busy enjoying spending time with family and friends. It’s Saturday enjoy your day! On Sundays, I take the day off from blogging.

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San Diego: 🔥Fire off Friar's Rd near 163 West

Fire crews are making quick work on Friars Fire. Please avoid the area of Friars Rd., west of 163. Heed all warnings and orders from police ...

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