Where are the Points Rewards Plus Grocery Rewards?


If recently, you've gone to your  Points Rewards Plus account to redeem your points on the Grocery Rewards and noticed that the offers completely gone.  However, according to HonestFang422, on Slick Deals, the new qualifying period begins on 08/21/24 but fingers crossed that we don't have to wait until almost the end of August before they replenish the Grocery Rewards.

Check out the Terms & Conditioners.

1 comment:

  1. I specifically warned the group that rewards would disappear quickly because they gave away up to 4,000 points to thousands of people. But, in all honesty, the reset is taking a lot longer than even I expected.

    As previously expressed, simply be patients. Your points are safe and don’t expire until the program ends many months from now. In the meantime you need fuel points those rewards are still readily available. Focus on other deals for now, knowing that produce pickings, bakery treats etc. will eventually be there down the road.


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