Spend $35 on General Mills Breakfast Essentials get 3,500 is too much


Fetch Rewards has a new Spend $35 on General Mills Breakfast Essentials get 3,500 points.

If Americans are complaining about the high inflation at the grocery store then why does a manufacturer come out with a Spend $35 on General Mills Breakfast Essentials get $3.50 offer? It's too much.  The only way that I could see this type of offer working is that the offer is valid through the end of October.

Is General Mills says that their products are so expensive that you can finish this offer in one or two shopping trips?


  1. Wifey and I have been couponers for years. It’s not an obsession, just a fun hobby that saves us a few dollars and serves as a welcome distraction from life’s many challenges.

    We do not like drama! So any time a glitch or miscalculation occurs it turns our “fun hobby” into an annoying chore. Not good!

    But… mistakes happen. And so Wifey and I do a few things to make the road a little less bumpy.

    One action we take is to submit BEFORE leaving the store whenever possible. If the error was on our part and we bought the wrong size or flavor we can exchange right on the spot and resubmit.

    But, let’s assume you’re rushed and just want to get home. My other recommended tip is to keep your receipt WITH the items until you are paid. For example, our Nature Valley bars submission had issues with both Ibotta and Fetch. So I simply went to a designated “holding area” of our kitchen where I l placed the 5 unopened boxes AND the receipt. You still need to have a separate place for all other receipts in case subsequent offer pops up and you’re still eligible.

    We can’t circumvent all problems. But with a little planning the correction process can be a little less stressful. And, yes, we’ve now been fully paid by Ibotta and Fetch, so that receipt can now be filed away and the granola bars set aside for donation or as treats.

    1. Nick, my boxes are still in the grocery bag along with the receipt due your initial heads up.😀

  2. Perfect! This was standard procedure when Vons/Pavilions made their receipts confusing to Ibotta because it was hard to identify quantity. So if you bought 3 of something the receipt showed it as “3@“ but Ibotta got confused and only credited you for 1.

    I think the “submit while you’re still at the store” recommendation is especially relevant to Swagbucks. Offers can and will disappear at any moment. Or the quantity gets credited wrong: we bought 2 of the Yasso Poppables but were only paid for 1, and the SB dropped from 300 to 100.

    One final point: neither I nor Wifey believe or intend to suggest that Ibotta, Swagbucks, Fetch or anyone else is deliberately trying to rip us off. I think it’s simply a matter of how well computer systems are programmed and maintained, BUT, I also think that these apps don’t mind if through our own negligence we end up underpaid! In other words, shortages are not intentional but we must always assume OUR responsibility for ensuring payments are correct.

    1. I've rarely had problems with Fetch, but very rarely Ibotta gives me an issue. I rarely use Swagbucks unless it's part of an offer Ms. B puts here, and don't even get me started with Shopkick. I'm surprised it's still around after what happened with a lot of members (including me) many years ago.


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