Did you get your "Pick a Bonus" yet?


I'm seeing that some have already been given the opportunity to Pick a Bonus with Ibotta but I haven't seen it yet on the app.  Have you picked your Ibotta bonus for the month of May?  Which did you pick?  

My understanding is that if you haven't seen the offer yet that it will show up for us on the May 1st, in the Ibotta app.


  1. On One Frugal Mom said she did not get the big May bonus. She contacted customer service and they said not every one will get it. I picked the lowest one because I did not make this month bonus.

    1. I believe that we will all get the offer bc Customer Service is always the last know what's going!🤣 I'd pick the lowest, too.

  2. I received the new bonus offer 4/25, and I chose the mid-level $35 bonus. I've already forgotten how many I'll need claim. I just finished my $25 Make it Drizzle bonus this morning. I hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew.

    1. Jean, you did the bonus once, you can complete again!


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