750 ($0.75) Talenti Products Fetch Rewards Offer L5


There is a new 750 ($0.75) Talenti Products Fetch Rewards offfer (limit 5) and Vons/Albertsons stores has the Talenti 1 pint, 10.2-11.6 oz. or Bars 6 ct on sale for $2.42 (limit 2) which will make the Talenti $1.67 each after the Fetch offer!


  1. If you are signed up for the Unilever Talenti coupons I just got a $1 coupon from them in my email today. Buy 2 and get $1 off.


Vons/Albertsons: Birch Benders Maple Keto Syrup 13 oz Only $1.99🥞

  A reader, Denise, says the following: Thanks! I think the syrup would work also with the digital syrup coupon. Thanks, Denise!

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