Plotting and Planning



Why did I start sneezing, coughing, runny nose and wheezing all at the same time? I had an allergy attack and I assume it was because of the winds, yesterday! Thank goodness, I have an inhaler as part of my medical profile because it's so rare that I ever need one but for whatever reason yesterday, I was wheezing! Fast forward to this morning to this morning, I am not wheezing but I am still sneezing! LOL

This week, both of my brothers told me about unexpected financial setbacks that could have been avoided.  Both of my brothers are veterans and both have honorable discharges.  My youngest brother made sure to get all of his veteran's benefits including the medical which most veterans can get a lifetime of free medical care, they just got to go to the Veteran's Administration and ask for it and it's a long process to do so but once you are approve, it's free until you are 62 years old and then you are transitioned to Social Security's Medi-Cal or Medi-Caid whichever one it.  But under the VA, you get a FREE pair of eye glasses twice a year and a free pair of tennis shoes twice a year up to $200. You get your vaccinations for free at the VA. Rite Aid wanted to charge my middle brother $700 for RCP vaccination because his medical didn't want to approve it.  I had already told him to go claim his VA benefits and he said he'd feel like a scammer if he went to the VA to claim benefits so I asked why ask him why complain to me about the $700?

Before my youngest brother bought his home, I told him "You have to make sure that the water heater is double and triple checked and you'll thank me later."  Did he do that?....Of course, NOT  He calls me on Saturday saying he wished that he had of listen to me because it is forecast for Sacramento to be in the low to mid-30's for until the middle next week and the water heater is broke.

I am saying all this to say "Take time to take care of business first because everything else will fall into place as it should."

There will not be a coupon insert in the newspapers on Sunday due to the long Thanksgiving weekend!

I see that retailers are really disappointed with the Black Friday sales numbers but they should have expected their numbers be down significantly because food prices were up most of the year.  

For example, last Thanksgiving, I could get Cool Whip for $0.99 and this year, the Cool Whip was $2.09 which to me was an unexpected increase.  

Those gravy packets prices were out of control...what are in those things that make them cost so much???

It’s Saturday …enjoy your day! On Sundays, I take the day off from blogging.


  1. My son-in-law is a veteran. Does all veterans get free tennis shoes when they have the VA medical? Thank you I got the Scunci gift set.

    1. Denise, if he goes in and get qualified for the10% disability he'll get the Veteran's benefits which most do qualify for 10% (brother #1 jaw's was broken & brother #2 was a tank driver & he was a tank driver he has some hearing loss automatic which is 10% disability)

    2. Just another datapoint - most veterans do not collect on their benefits. Using my 2 brothers as the examples - brother #1 just within the last 5 years started going to the VA for Health Care services and brother #2 has never gone to the VA to get evaluated.

    3. Thank you. I know he has hearing loss.

    4. Denise, automatic 10% disability a small monthly VA check each month and free tennis shoes up to $200 twice a year and 2 free eye glasses twice a year plus of course, free medical. The disability benefits only applies to the veteran but the counselor at the VA would explain all that to him.


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