Plotting and Planning


GOOD MORNING!!!!!!  Good Morning, Cheryl!  Safe travels to those that will be traveling, near and far, over the next few days to visit their loved ones, this Thanksgiving, and I hope that you have a blast!  

No Black Friday Ads from the Drugstores, this year, sad!

I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is just in a few days.  I think my son, Kevin, thought we were on our last leg because I had waited so long to buy a turkey and he had voiced his concern TWICE that I had not bought a turkey at the beginning of November!🤣

I had to explain to him that we are very lucky that we can go out and buy a turkey without a thought about how we are going to pay our other bills, put gas in our cars or buy Christmas gifts. There are families that are working hard with full time jobs and they are living on payday loans, donating blood plasma and other odd and end jobs to get by...and maybe instead of a turkey, they will be eating a chicken instead.

Remember, that Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for the things that you do have it's not about having a big ole turkey on your table with lots and lots of side dishes.  You don't need to keep up with the Joneses, you just need to enjoy spending time with your family!

Again, use whatever grocery store rewards you have to lower your out of pocket for Thanksgiving dinner!

My son came over early on Friday to tell us some exciting news and so I got distracted and I totally forgot to go to Ralphs and pick up the cheap Success Rice.  I also need to check to see if we need some cash to carry us through next weekend.

There will be a Smart Source coupon insert in the newspapers or depending upon where you live, it may be delivered to your mailbox or out in your drive way or lawn.

It’s Saturday …enjoy your day! On Sundays, I take the day off from blogging.

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