Ibotta is still trying to kill me off


On Saturday, we went to Vons to pick up a few things including the Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce 14oz can, the gravy pack and whatever else that we picked up and I submitted my receipt to Ibotta.

Just a few minutes ago, the software partially approved my receipt minus the Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce, stating "We couldn't process the $2.65 cash back you sent to review because the offer didn't match your receipt."

The receipt literally says "OCN SPRY Cranberry"...I guess the AI believes that we actually bought the Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice???

After I get this matter resolved, I won't be doing any more Ibotta deals at Vons or Albertsons.


  1. My receipt from Sat. is still pending. I guess this is why. Dreading to get the same message now.

    1. Gavin, I am praying that you get all the money that you was expecting.

    2. Thank God and congratulations, Gavin!!!!!!!

  2. After I saw your post I bought it today and I scanned it first in store. It then credited within seconds. That will be my new plan with Ibotta- always scan in the store right before checkout

    1. Tammy, I actually did scan this product in store before I purchase which is why it was shocking that the software didn't automatically pick it up and I had to add it as a missing item. It is always a good idea to scan the items before purchase to ensure that it's a match for the rebates.

  3. The receipts even have the UPC next to the product. Someone just needs to look at that and match the code with the correct product. 😵


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