More Changes | Hope This Doesn't Spread

I am feeling so much better today and I did sleep a lot over the weekend.  I felt the cold coming on Thursday evening but I thought it was my allergies because it had been a windy day.
My goodness, these companies are really trying to stop us from making money!🤣

After watching, this video, I redeemed a $25 Target gift card and a $50 Amazon gift card.  Fetch used to let us get the gift cards almost immediately until recently and then something happened and we have wait 72 hours before we can get get the gift card...LAME!

I also requested on my Swagbucks account a $25 Amazon gift card, $15 Amazon gift card and a $10 Amazon gift card.

I have already made my first November Ibotta PayPal withdraws on November 8th because the rebate apps be making up reasons to audit, freeze, deactivate your rebate account around the holidays so they can keep your money.  Honestly, in November, December and January, each and every time, you hit the minimum amount to make a withdrawal, you should do harm, no foul.


  1. In regards to the person in the video... I'm assuming that she lives in CA, as we have a rule here that one can cash out a gift card that is $9.99 or less.

  2. Also, in regards to the Paypal fiasco... One can add the other e-mail address to the "main" Paypal account. I know my friend has a few e-mail addresses (personal, work, business), and they all link to his personal e-mail account.

    No need to have multiple accounts that go to the same Paypal e-mail address.


Free Halo Top Mix-Ins Rebate

  I saw this deal on Reddit -  Free Halo Top Mix-Ins Rebate Residents of the following states are not eligible: CA, CO, KS, LA, MN, NV, N...

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