$0.75 Keebler Keebler Cookies CO51


If you have not done the Keebler Cookie deal at Vons/Albertsons, there is a new select $0.75 Keebler Cookies CO51, limit 5, offer.  

Make sure that you only activate the offer that says Acme and then Albertsons and then they list all the other Albertsons affiliated stores in alphabetical order.  

This will be a $5 Money Maker if you have the $1.50 Ibotta offer or if you have $0.75 Ibotta offer, it will be a $2 Money Maker!

Make sure to buy 4 different varieties of the cookies to avoid confusing the AI software and having to go back and forth submitting Trouble Tickets.

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Free Capital One Coffee at the Capital One Cafe ☕️

 I saw this on Reddit : Free Capital One Coffee at the Capital One Cafe You can just google Capital One Cafe and a location should pop up.

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