The Progresso Soup will be even more cheap Next Week!!!


I am ordinarily not a soup girl but with food inflation being what it is, I have to find ways to feed my family on the cheap!  Starting next Wednesday, the Kroger early ad preview (9/13-9/19) shows that the Progresso Soup will be on sale for $1.49.  Even if you have already done the Progresso deal, you can do it again by using your husband, boyfriend, mom, dad's information and using a different phone number and PayPal email address. I think I have four or five PayPal email addresses tied to my PayPal account.  Anyways, the updated scenario will look as follows:

*Progresso Soup 18-19 oz $1.99 - $0.50 DQ = $1.49 x 5 = $7.45 - $1/3 IB - $1/3 RCB - $1/3 Alexa - $1/3 Shopmium - $10 wyb 5 GM Rebate = FREE + $6.55 MM (thanks, Jean!)  


*Progresso Soup 18-19 oz $1.99 - $0.50 DQ = $1.49 x 10 = $14.90 - $1/3 IB - $1/3 RCB - (2) $1/3 Alexa - (2) $1/3 Shopmium - $25 wyb 10 GM Rebate = FREE + $16.10 MM (thanks, Jean!)

****We won't know the price of the Progresso soup in California until Monday after 9 p.m. when we can see the Ralphs ad  preview on

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