Another FREE $4 off CVS Coupon!!!


CVS was kind enough to send me another FREE $4 off coupon! What's interesting is that they've sent me the $4 off coupon, everyday this week...even if I just used the previous $4 coupon.


  1. Ms. B- wish I had your luck!!!!!

    1. I just dropped off clothes for donation and I stopped at CVS to use the $4 coupon...and, now I am going to put my Stouffer lasagna in the oven!

  2. I missed the section where you could see when people made a comment in the recent comment section.

    1. Denise, as do I. It's either Blogger or the person that did the comments coding. Hopefully, whoever that is doing the beta testing will tell the programmer that there is a problem.

  3. On my Flavor Adventure coupons that I have, I am going to use the $1 off Lucerne Sliced cheese this Friday because it will be priced at $2 each. I have a $5 off any floral Flavor Adventure coupon that I will use this Friday on the Rose Pom Bouquet that is priced at $5. I used the $1.50 Family size Lucerne Flavor Adventure coupon on the Lucerne Shredded Cheese 32 oz. that is priced at $6.77 with the digital coupon. My $2 boneless skinless chicken breasts Flavor Adventure coupon did not come off on the boneless skinless chicken at the service meat counter.

  4. Did two rounds of the Flavor Adventure and got my Fresh Pass.


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