Plotting and Planning


Happy Saturday, everyone!

Since it's the last day for the Covergirl amigos, I'm going to go to Rite Aid to roll some of my Bonus Cash into real cash. I would rather roll the Bonus Cash into real cash rather than into another Rite Aid deal.

Yesterday, between the Mentos and Nature Valley bars at Ralphs and the Arrowhead water 6 ct at Target, I got back 2,365 Shopkick points ($9.46) which is amazing!  I had spent $12.26 between Target and Ralphs and keep in mind that I didn't actually any out of pocket because I used my Target gift card and my PayPal debit card to pay.  My final cost for everything was $1.30.

I purchased the Nature Valley sweet & salty 12ct and the Nature Valley muffin bars 10ct.  I don't typically buy the Nature Valley bars but my brother will be here in July and I will be making some of the Nature Valley bars, the Mentos and the Arrowhead water as part of his Welcome Basket for his room.

Just because we have high inflation, it doesn't mean that we can't continue to enjoy our life...but we still need to budget and plan.

One of the things that I love to do is planning special meals like Easter and Cinco de Mayo for my family because they get so excited because it makes them feel special.  I also shared special meals with my family in Sacramento by sending short videos and picture as I prepare and set the the table.

Life is all about plotting and planning your own success.

I will keep doing the FREE Arrowhead water 6 ct until the offer disappears or they lower the offer to like 400 ($1.60) Kicks.  Keep in mind, if my family was here in San Diego, I'd be sharing my couponing finds with my family because our family stronger together than apart.

Generational wealth is about sharing information on saving money. I am so proud of my brothers because when I shared with them that we only pay car insurance in full once a year to avoid paying the monthly or quarterly or biannual administrative fees...they followed my lead and began paying their insurance once a year. We pass this on to our children. 

Plotting and planning is about finding opportunities to get to where you want to be...and anytime, there is an obstacle that crops up, it is a blessing because there is a lesson for you to learn or you are just plan going down the wrong path.

There will not be any coupons in the Sunday paper so that you can enjoy spending time with your family and friends on Mother's Day. 

 It’s Saturday …enjoy your day! On Sundays, I take the day off from blogging.


  1. The $.99 milk for Kroger/Ralphs did not work at Ralphs. I bought it previously at F4Less. Anyone try it this week?

  2. LS- the .99 milk worked for me, did you use zip code Ms. B?

  3. Worked for me at Ralph's Brea yesterday...loaded it from the Kroger website, then checked my digital coupon's on the Ralph's site. As long as it's there, it's always worked for me.

  4. My mistake - Once "pay" is hit, then the milk becomes $.99.

    1. All coupons deduct post-hitting the green Pay Now on Kroger POS systems.

    2.'s different than Albie's where you see the savings as soon as you scan the item. Took me a while to remember that Ralph's deductions come at the end.


Vons/Albertsons: Kevin's Natural Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz Only $3.99

Kevin's Natural Foods Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz $7.99  -  $3.99 REBATE   = $3.99 (Thanks, NJ!)

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