Why can't you use the same PayPal address for the amigos?


Your PayPal email address is your routing number and if you submit your receipt for each "friend" at the same time what happens is the third party contractor is using the same Transaction ID # across all of your friends with the acceptation being baby girl #3 (I won't be talking to amigo 4 because I cannot get it work for me).

It is vital that you track you money.

As you see above, two different companies and two different amounts and logic says that the $7 and the $5 payments will have two Transaction ID numbers.

You can click on either individual activity to see the unique Transaction ID number for the activities shown above.  This is because each has a unique PayPal address. Google "How to add a new email address to your PayPal account."

However, let's say both companies sent you $7 on the same day, you'd better check the Transaction ID # to see if they are different. You just need to look at the last digits.  If they are different - cool! It's a good.  If they are the same then you just got screwed.

Baby girl and friend 2 talk to each other. It's best to submit to Baby girl first and then friend 2.

What happens when you use the same PayPal address for the same offer is that the third party company populates that information across all the friends and you loose because you believe that you are receiving all this money but you are not. The only way to fix it is by changing your PayPal address and that change will bring you some of the money that you'd submitted receipt for within the last 24-48 hours.

I've got an appointment but please feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Looking at my PayPal, I see Shopmium and Coupons with all different transactions and the same payments for both. No problems here. ☺️

    1. Growly, I am so glad that you haven't had any problems with the amigos!😀


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