{UPDATE} Walmart: FREE Caulipower Frozen Meals!!!


UPDATE: The C051 offer is no longer available.

Walmart sells the Caulipower Frozen Meals for $7.98 and after rebates, you'll grab two for FREE!!!

$7.98/2 Ibotta

(2) $4 CO51

Final Price: FREE!!!


  1. saw this while I was at a big WM- they do not carry it :(
    Also, Alexa claims my 2 Airwick Essential mists 'we weren't able to find a deal- yet I can see the offer

    1. Oh no! This has happened to me before. Go to Brick Seek Bar Code Generator scan different Air wick Essential mists scent bar codes. Alexa doesn't like the bar code that you are scanning. Let me know how that works out for you.❤️

  2. Thank you Ms. B. I scanned the Lavender one twice since the Black Lotus & Violet seems to be why there wasn't a match

    1. OMG, Alexa already paid for refills now waiting for yesterday's purchases

    2. I know some the amigos is weird and pay you almost instantly and sometimes, no so much!🤣

  3. Ibotta also has the Essential refills for $1.50 cb this morning

    1. The Essential refills are so expensive in and of themselves, we can really only afford to buy them when they are on clearance or part of a freebie starter kit. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they offer an amigos deal for the spring collection.

  4. Zero offers remaining for the Caulipower meals at Checkout 51


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