Target: FREE+MM Puff Facial Tissues!!!πŸƒπŸ½‍♀️πŸ”₯

This morning, I have a doctor's appointment and they texted me on Wednesday with an emphasis on their requirement that I must wear a mask to my appointment and COVID19 protocols.  The medical community is expecting a lot of COVID19 cases as the weather gets cooler and if you've been vaxxed, you will still needs over the counter medication and tissues should you catch the Rona.

A reader, Denise, found an awesome deal and she says the following:

Bought the 72 count Puffs facial tissue at Target for $1.99. Got back 720 kicks from Shopkicks. II is a moneymaker.

My price are higher than Denise but it's still a Money Maker and I picking up the Puffs because I am not waiting until cold & flu season get here.

Divide 720 into 250 = $2.88

Thanks, Denise!


  1. Free /slight MM at walmart on Old Spice spray deoderant antiperspirant. $3.00 off with P&G paper coupon from their monthly insert, $3 back on ibotta, 250 kicks on SK. The one I purchased was $6.47. There are other sprays that are 5.47 that are "body and underarm spray" but I wasn't sure the paper coupon would apply.

  2. I think there is another offer (I was paying and realized I forgot to pick it up). DSC has a Unilever insert coupon for $3.50 off any one DSC product and SK has 850 kicks. The chave cream is 5.97. I'm assuming the coupon will come off but truthfully didn't get a chance to try for myself.

  3. Thank you for the deals!πŸ˜€


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