Vons/Albertsons Deals



YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary (Your outcome may vary)

IB = Ibotta Rebate app

SK = Shopkick app

Fetch Rewards App

Merryfield = Merryfield app 

*  = Pick 4 or more and Save

{FRIDAY ONLY} Kevin's Chicken Entrees 16 oz $5 -
$3 IB = $2 (Thanks, Denise!)

*Noosa Yoghurt 8 oz $1.29 - $0.50 IB = $0.79

*Progresso Soup 18-19 oz $1.29 x 4 = $5.16 - $1/4 DQ - $1/3 IB = $3.16 or $0.79 

 *Tate's Bake Shop Cookies 5.5-7 oz $4.99 - $0.75 IB = $4.24

*Quaker Instant Oatmeal $1.99 x 4 = $7.96 - $4/4 DQ = $3.96 OR $0.99 ea 

Bibigo BBQ Sauce Korean Original 16.9 oz $4.99 - $1 DQ = $3.99

Kevin's Gluten-Free Frozen Bowls $4.99 - $1.50 IB = $3.49


  1. The Kevin's Natural foods chicken entrees are $5 today and I have a $3 Iboota offer.

  2. Robert Mondavi... $5 Friday only (wyb 6) or $5.56 per bottle
    Buy 2- $11.12, get back -$3 J4U clippable rebate- , $6 BYBE rebate
    so $1.06 per bottle (plus tax and bottle fee)

    1. Darn, I missed this offer but thank you for leaving the comment.

  3. Coffee Mate on sale this week 2.97 - L4,
    IB has a $1.50 rebate on the Xtra Flavor Coffee Mate L5...
    my store has 2 flavors, xtra chocolate and xtra Caramel.


Vons/Albertsons: Kevin's Natural Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz Only $3.99

Kevin's Natural Foods Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz $7.99  -  $3.99 REBATE   = $3.99 (Thanks, NJ!)

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