Ralphs/Kroger: Lean Cusine and Stouffers Only $1.29 ea


A reader, Denise, says the following:

At Ralphs the Lean Cusine and Stouffers are $2.29 wyb 4 or more. I have a $5 digital coupon for these wyb 5. I bought 5 Stouffers and for some reason one of them rang up $3.99 which is the regular price. I was credited for it when I showed them my receipt.

Thanks, Denise!


  1. I read to do the RCB on the $5 Lean Cuisne because the digital coupon will give you a problem.

  2. Sorry I was not being very clear yesterday. I had a head cold and was not being very clear on what I wrote.

    1. I hope that you feel better soon. A lot of people were under the weather during the holidays.

  3. Thank you so much for pointing out the glitch! Wifey and I dashed into a Ralph’s yesterday to buy our favorite Lean Cuisine, the Tortilla fish. I knew the $5 was credited but the $8.15 total just seemed a little high.

    Found the receipt a few minutes ago and will stop by to get our $1.70 credit later today.

    1. The Lean Cusines are $1.49 limit 5 at Smart and Final. I didn't know if you saw that.

    2. The programmers should have fixed the Lean Cuisine/Stouffers issue by now but the good thing is that Ralphs employees, at least in my area, are super duper nice and they will fix any problem that you bring to their attention. They go above and beyond as far as I am concern.


Vons/Albertsons: Kevin's Natural Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz Only $3.99

Kevin's Natural Foods Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz $7.99  -  $3.99 REBATE   = $3.99 (Thanks, NJ!)

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