Plotting and Planning




Today is mom's birthday and  next year, I plan to go home for mom's birthday because she will be having a very special birthday.  My mom has been a widow for 20 years, it's hard to believe that dad has been gone 20 years.  Love on your family as much as you can because life is short.  

Can I say something else? Stop placating low vibrational people because they thrive and grow stronger because you are unwilling to stand up for yourself, to love yourself.  People that prey on other's weaknesses, people that gossip and tell untruths about others and in general can't mind their own business and insert themselves into other people's lives.  

We are rolling into a new year and there will be a lot of turmoil over these next two years but you are going to have to pop tall, we all do.

December has been a busy month for me because normally I am well organized for the holidays but I got thrown a couple of monkey wrenches with cancelled orders and delayed shipping.  For example, my mom's birthday present did not arrive on her doorstep until yesterday (I thought about it that Friday was Friday 13th, it was a full moon and I think there are four planets that are in retrograde - my mom was big into astrology).  Anyways, I have felt stressed and disappointed in myself because the gifts are not in place but I realized, last night, that everything is going to be alright because my Christmas cards arrived at their destination, as well as, the pictures and I am confident that the gift will arrive before Christmas.

Although, I wanted to, I decided against the FREE 10 Bags of Cape Cod Chips and the FREE 9 Dove Hand Wash because I truly don't need them and it will give others the opportunity to start or increase their stockpile. Besides that...I wanted to just relax with Mr. Man on a Friday evening while he made me a cocktail.

There will not be any coupon inserts in the Sunday newspapers so that you can spend time with your friends and family, this holiday season! It’s Saturday …enjoy your day! On Sundays, I take the day off from blogging.

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