John's Zip Code Advantage Deals

 If you are getting the Zip Code advantage (John is getting the double zip advantage), John, says the following:

16oz Wonderful pistachios are $3 today only using produce double zip advantage! All week - $.50 cent off pomegranate coupons brings them to $0.50/pom using same strategy. Ling Ling 10oz potstickers are free using clipped J4u coupon.

Trish says that she has gotten the zip advantage over the last three weeks.  It's probably been three or four months since I've gotten the zip advantage but I have gotten the $5 off $5 more consistently than the zip advantage.

Thanks, John!


  1. I don't know how the Ling Ling are free but mine are $.49 after the $1.50 and 2 $1 zip code advantage.

  2. A big thx to John for mentioning the zip cod advantage's been so many years that I'd totally forgotten to check Safeway in Nor Cal and add those $1.00 Q's. Oh happy day....$2.00 off frozen, bakery, produce & O-Organics again!


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