From my family to yours, I am wishing each and everyone of you, a Happy and Wonderful Thanksgiving Day!!!!!!

On Monday, someone ran into the back of my car (no one was hurt) and on Tuesday, my phone completely died.  While I waiting, as they fiddled around with my phone, I heard a young lady and her mother or grandmother as the T-Mobile employee was explaining that their monthly bill would be $75 per month and the young lady wasn't happy about the $75 she was quoted.  I am so thankful and grateful that what occurred on Monday and Tuesday did not set back.

I will not be blogging today so I can enjoy spending time with my family.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

    I am 8 IBs short of the Thanksgiving bonus. It's been hard since I don't have a Walmart nearby. If anyone has any ideas on 8 more IB rebates that make sense for the $20 bonus I am all ears because I don't see any good 8 IBs!

  2. If you like probiotic soda Sprouts has the SunSip on sale for $1.67 each and you get $1 back. Alternatively you could buy the Culture Pop for $1.50 and get 40 cents back. Don’t recall the limits but those will get you closer. Wifey and I have been drinking those two brands lately since we haven’t seen any good kombucha deals and wanted a substitute.

  3. Thanks those are good options and I was planning on going to Sprouts tomorrow so that works. I do like probiotic sodas but the sunsip has inulin which doesn't do well on my stomach. But for $0.67 its a good add to get to the bonus. So is the Culture Pop. I figure as long as I don't spend more than $1 after IB per product it will be worth completing.

  4. I’m looking at a can of Orange Mango Culture Pop and don’t see any inulin on the ingredients list.

    Another option: watch for matchups in new grocery ads which may appear Friday. Many ads ran from last Wednesday but included an extra day, Thanksgiving. So there may be new special 5 day ads. I’m most concerned with Game On since entry items must be purchased by Tuesday. Hoping for some new choices, I told Wifey we’re loaded up on enough Bush Beans to last us thru 2026!


Vons/Albertsons: Kevin's Natural Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz Only $3.99

Kevin's Natural Foods Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz $7.99  -  $3.99 REBATE   = $3.99 (Thanks, NJ!)

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