{DEAD} Vons/Albertsons: The Candy Deal is DEAD💀(YMMV)


The Candy Deal is DEAD💀

Shopkicks has removed the kicks from the candy deals at Vons, Albertsons and Pavillion stores but you can get 25 Scan Kick for each bag of candy.

I am so glad that I posted those candy deals, yesterday, and people were able to get their Halloween, Thanksgiving or Holiday candy for FREE or almost FREE!!!


  1. I still have the deal. When I scroll all the way down I still see it on Shopkick.

    1. Denise, thanks for letting me know. I don't have the offer on Vons nor Albertsons and I rebooted my phone to be sure.

    2. It has now disappeared from my Shopkicks. Went to Vons and none of my digital coupons came off!!

    3. My freebies did not come off. Both of the Nabisco digital coupons did not come off. I just saw they changed the wording of the Nabisco digital coupons to one time use. If you have done this once you might not be able to do it again.

  2. I looked at Albertsons the offer is gone but Vons is still there.


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