Tuesday Drops feat. THE BELL® Test Kitchen


Can I say that Taco Bell is probably one of the only companies that is using their social media and app properly!  Most companies do a one-time-only promotion to get you to sign up for their app and then it's complete silence.  Taco Bell is consistently creating content reminding you to go their app and order food.

Anyways, below is what Taco Bell's latest email says:


  1. I've been to Del Taco's Test Kitchen (oddly nearby from Taco Bell's headquarters) many years ago and tested a few things, including the bigger "Del Taco". Very interesting experience.

  2. Are they really putting this invite out there three months in advance? And then, only five people will qualify? Strange. And I also went to the Del Taco Test Kitchen some years ago....all they gave us was two small tacos....and we had to sit and discuss everything from the taste, texture, color, flavor, etc etc for over an hour. I figured those two hard shell tacos were worth about $2.50. Glad I was in the area (Lake Forest), otherwise it would've been a complete waste of time and travel.


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