$30 SNAP Food Budget

Over this past weekend, I watched Ultimate $30 Grocery Haul Challenge | Surviving on $30 SNAP Benefits by Homemaking with Denise and she was on my recommended to watch videos.  I was mesmerized when Denise had said at the beginning of the video that a friend or an acquaintance had gotten approved for $30 of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits per month.  I assume that the friend or acquaintance is barely over poverty income to qualify for assistance.

The video is Denise takes us through what she recommended to her friend as to how to spend the $30 to get the biggest bang for the $30.  She reminds us that the $30 is for a whole month and it's to cover breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Denise shopped at Walmart for the food and she bought the Hunt's Pasta Sauce!  When I was young and broke, I, too bought the Hunt's Pasta Sauce.  I want to say that at regular grocery store Hunt's Pasta Sauce was like $0.99 and I knew about the Hunt's Pasta Sauce because my parents used it make spaghetti.  

Her video was really fascinating because initially I thought to myself that we couldn't live on $30 per week, let alone $30 or 30 days but when she pulled out the Hunt's Pasta Sauce, I knew I could do it.

I ate a lot of beans and rice or chili and rice, spaghetti, meatloaf and back then I rarely bought packaged foods unless it was the Canned Food Store, Grocery Outlet or 99 Cent Store because it was higher than buying a bag of rice or potatoes...back in the day, you could buy a bag of potatoes for $0.99.

If I was her friend, I would definitely be telling her to go to the food pantry.  On YouTube, I have watched some food pantry hauls (in the search bar enter "food pantry haul") and people get all kinds of goodies and they aren't shamed for going to the food pantry. Care Free Living shows us her most recent food pantry haul.

I do these types of posts because if I can help just one reader who's down to their last $30 not to feel overwhelmed and desperate, this blog is about offering solutions not pointing the finger at you.  

Let's keep it a buck, I've been on welfare and food stamps.  I've had my lights, phone and cable turned off (not all at the same time) but I was never evicted nor did I have car repossessed. I made bad decisions and I also didn't want my parents to know that I was making all these bad decisions.

How I would fix these situations that I'd get myself into is by selling stocks or saving bonds. I have always been a saver but I couldn't maintain any wealth because I'd always do something dumb.

My point is if we absolutely have to we could buckle under and live on a $30 food budge for the month.  What would you do to get by on a meager $30 food budget?

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