I am Sick Today😷


On Sunday, my son had came over for dinner and out of nowhere he began coughing and feeling sickly and I sent him home with the Mucinex Day and Night cold medicine and cough drops. I haven't talk to him today but he was still sick, yesterday.

Yesterday, late afternoon, I felt like I was getting a scratchy throat but I pushed through because I was working on the Ralphs Weekly Digital Deals post but this morning, I have a stuffy head, a headache and a light cough.

Unfortunately, we don't know if we have simple colds or COVID19 because all of our COVID Tests have expired.  I know San Diego is getting slammed with COVID cases. I, nor, Mr. Man have never had COVID but Kevin got it last year.

I will probably be taking it easy today and won't post too many blog posts today.

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