Are Fetch's Mathing Errors Not Mathing?


A reader, Nick, has written a brilliant observation regarding Fetch's mathing errors which seems to be growing worse not better.  Any programmer could fix the mathing problem...but let's see what Mr. Nick has to say down below:

I would like to bring up a related side issue: math. Numbers have always been easy for me. Usually at the grocery store I’ll add up items in my head and be pretty darned close when the total pops up at the register:

But not everyone likes or is proficient in math. Wifey will usually ask my help on deals a lot less complex than the one Ms. B. brilliantly outlined above. Numbers simply aren’t her “thing”. And, don’t worry, she will beat me every time in many other areas, just not this one.

My reason for mentioning all of this is that when you do Fetch deals you especially need to know what you’re due. And I say that because, more often than not, you can and will be shorted, certainly when deals overlap. If that occurs (and it will) you need to adjust receipts, scan barcodes and resubmit. And… guess what? Fetch will give you more points (which you should have gotten in the first place) but they may, once again, still be wrong! And so you’ll then have to re-resubmit.

Therefore, you need to do the math ahead of time to know EXACTLY what you’re due. It’s YOUR money! And despite the clever cartoon graphics there’s nothing to celebrate after a grand total of “12,000” pops up on your phone screen but you’re actually due “15,000”.

One aspect.

Thanks, Nick!

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