Ralphs/Kroger: Points Rewards Plus Tips



I just want to remind you to read the Terms & Conditions for the Points Rewards Plus because you can redeem two rewards per week, if you have the points.  Also, a reader, Nick, says the following:

Everyone interested in this should already have at least 450 points in their account. By Monday you can have 1,000 and cash out for a $3 reward if there’s one available and you’re interested. If not, just keep participating every day and you’ll have 4,000 points by the end of next week.

NOTE: if you don’t see a reward that interests you then check back around the 1st or 2nd of the month as well as around the 15th-16th, that’s when they do their resets and usually freshen award availability.

Again, you must sign up for the Points Rewards Plus program so that you can get the freebies for accumulating the points and in this case, they are literally giving you the points without you having to buy a thing, all you need to do is sign up and vote in the Bonus Rewards Points Daily Poll!  The poll is one summer question per day and your response is A,B, C, or D until June 29th.

Thanks,  Nick!


  1. One other point to keep in mind: be patient! Your points are safe and aren’t going anywhere until you choose to redeem them.

    I’m saying that because rewards will be flying off the shelves for the next few weeks since so many points are being given away. So even if you check back around the 1st or 2nd of July after they reset those rewards they won’t last long! Do grab something you want if it’s available. But I would allow a few weeks for things to stabilize so that you can then strategize the best use of your points over the many months still ahead. Please don’t panic and grab rewards that you don’t really want. The Points Rewards program isn’t ending or going anywhere anytime soon. There will be plenty of $3 meat, produce and bakery awards after the initial flurry of redemptions passes.

  2. I already had 1,000 points before the promotion started, so I'm definitely aiming for the $1 (1000 points) off per gallon of gas.

  3. Growly, you’ll first need to analyze if that’s the best use of your points.

    Let’s say you redeem 2000 Points Rewards Points in exchange for 500 fuel points.

    We already know that 2000 PRP points have a value of at least $6 because you could redeem them for 2 $3 rewards on categories like produce or deli.

    In essence, you’re trading $6 for a 50 cent per gallon gas discount. You break even at 12 gallons, lose if you pump less, or come out ahead if you pump a lot more.

    That’s a personal decision. My decision would be to do that only if you plan on buying lots of gas on that discounted fillup. Yes, Wifey and I did drive separately one time to SHELL. I had earned $1 off per gallon. So, after she filled her tank I moved her car forward while she held the gas hose and then moved my car up to fill it up using the same $1/gallon discount. The total gas sale itself was well over $100 BUT it filled up two cars, not one. That’s how you get the greatest savings using fuel rewards.

    1. Shell is way too expensive here. Ralph's or F4L gas is usually way cheaper, and saving $12+ on gas is way better than saving a little bit on food.

  4. There is a bit of extra work when redeeming PRP points for fuel pts.

    It’s actually a two-step process. The reward isn’t directly added to your fuel points balance. Instead, there will be a digital coupon attached to your shopper’s card account. You’ll need to then go to the store and make any purchase on that account (yes, even a 20 cent banana will do). In your receipt you’ll be able to verify that the fuel points have been added. Keep in mind two dates if you’re not buying gas right away: the date that the PRP coupon expires, as well as the date your fuel points expire.

  5. One last point on this issue (I apologize for being so lengthy but would rather give you too much info than too little).

    The fuel points PRP reward has a distinct advantage: it is almost always available. You will see over the next few weeks that other rewards like free or discounted food will be slim pickings. That’s because they are giving so many points away with the promo this week that all those customers will rush to redeem. And since rewards are limited I fully expect many will run out quickly, So… be patient! After a few weeks when the crowds have thinned out you should see great availability in all reward categories. I don’t expect to personally redeem anything before mid-July at the earliest, and perhaps not even until 8/1 if the July resets get wiped out quickly.


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