Plotting and Planning



The long Memorial Day holiday weekend is finally here and I hope that most of you are off from work or getting paid holiday pay for working the holiday.

People are spitting mad about not getting the Midweek and Weekend Ibotta bonuses across social media but it's obvious to me that Ibotta is increasing their profits by not sharing the bonuses.  If it was advantageous and profitable to Ibotta to share the Midweek and Weekend bonuses, they would do so.  Now, that Ibotta has shareholders, their operations decisions will be based on increasing profits.

As you see, the Ibotta deals for the month of May have been dreadful but the reality is that you shouldn't need to adjust because you should always shop based on you and your family wants and needs.  If you can stack any rebate offer with the wants and needs of you or your family to help you save money then it's a win-win.

The good thing is with it being the long weekend AND slow Ibotta deals, it's the perfect time to enjoy spending time with friends and family...instead of chasing deals.

I did grab the FREE Toilet Paper at Target and it's probably going to be the only deal that I do this weekend.  I did also received the $2.50 via Venmo for the Pepsi 12pk!

There will not be a coupon insert in the newspapers on Sunday because off the Memorial Day holiday!

It’s Saturday …enjoy your day! On Sundays, I take the day off from blogging.


  1. Rockstar has been great in texting us (or me, at least) when their $5 rebate is available again. I think the “every other week” is calculated from when you are finally paid and NOT when you submit. Store digital offers don’t disqualify you, so this is a wonderful moneymaker which we can continue enjoy for months to come.

    1. They've been texting me too, either the day of it the day after the two weeks has passed. 🤑


Friday only $2.50 Any Brand Eggs Ibotta offer

  Friday only $2.50 Any Brand Eggs Ibotta

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