Hershey's was sued for a false advertising class action🎃

People have a right to get what they pay for when looking at the packaging!


  1. Happy day! I bought 2 x 12 packs of the Heineken and submitted for the $50 rebate and today I got paid! Huge MM for me since the two 12 packs were $27.xx with tax, I submitted for and was paid $10 through BYBE and then received $50 today from Heineken for a $33MM!
    I will definitely be doing this one every month this year:

    1. Wow Tammy. Where did you buy the Heneken?

    2. In December I bought two 12 packs that were on sale for $11.99 each at Ralphs. Mrs. B posted about it a few weeks ago.
      For the new rebate that is $20 wyb $75 in groceries I will likely buy one 12 pack at Ralphs this week on sale for $14.99 with clipped q and a $3RCB.

  2. Yoplait is $0.25 (limit 24) at Vons.

    $1 (buy 10) on Ibotta
    A few offers on Fetch (100 per $1, 1300 when spending $25)
    $0.50 (buy 5) on Shopmium and Alexa


Vons/Albertsons: Kevin's Natural Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz Only $3.99

Kevin's Natural Foods Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz $7.99  -  $3.99 REBATE   = $3.99 (Thanks, NJ!)

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