Ibotta is trying to force the app software update down our throats🤣


I was (not) one of the lucky ones that got to try the new updated app software and it was definitely a new look and feel.  You would say that you will definitely be re-learning how to use the Ibotta app almost in it's entirety...and maybe that is their point.

You will no longer be able easily look for FREE Ibotta deals or quickly look for glitch deals.

I think this revamp of their app was to encourage more online shopping and directing us to buying more gift cards.

The rebate apps get like a kickback or bonus each time we purchase gift card and retailers love for consumers to purchase gift cards because according to WTOP News, 47% of Americans are letting gift cards go unused each year.  In the past, the retailers got to keep the money and sell the merchandise and report record breaking profits...that is until couponers steped onto the scene.

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