Haagen Dazs Reduced from 900 ($3.60) to 700 ($2.80)


This is a heads up that Fetch has reduced the points from  900 ($3.60) to 700 ($2.80) but keep in mind that Kroger and it's affiliate stores have the Haagen Dazs on BOGO FREE sale and they have been giving us credit for the free item, too.  

I am showing a picture of the cones because I don't have a picture of the cups or the bars.


  1. They are not offering the small cups or bars anymore. And the Cookie Cones are $8.99 so a small cost for 2 boxes since it will be $8.99 for two and get back 1400SK

    1. Most people hated the Cookie Cones but I actually liked them but they are a bear to store in the freezer.


πŸ‘€ Kroger Ad πŸ“° EARLY Preview 4/2-4/8

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