Walmart: FREE Polar Sparkling Seltzer Water 1L


Walmart sells the  FREE Polar Sparkling Seltzer Water 1L for $0.98 and the following Shopkick offers will make the seltzer FREE:

260 ($1.04) Mandarin/Lime Shopkicks & Scans (limit 2)
260 ($1.04) Black Cherry/Raspberry Lime Shopkicks & Scans (limit 2)

If you don't have the Shopkick app, use my referral code CARD110059 and you and I will get 250 ($1) Kicks!

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Aldi: Bananas $0.39/lb

  A reader, Growly, let us know that Aldi has their bananas for $0.39/lb. Thanks, Growly!

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