Vons/Albertsons Deals


YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary (Your outcome may vary)

IB = Ibotta Rebate app

*  = Pick 4 or more and Save

⭐10 for $10 when you buy 10 or more

Perfect Layers bar $2 - $1.50 IB = $0.50 

Select Keebler Cookies $3.99 x 4 = $15.96 - (2) $6 Swagbucks - (4) $0.75 C051 = $0.96 or $0.24 ea

Doritos Dip $4.99 - $4 Fetch Rewards = $0.99

Ready Pac Bistro Meal Kits $7.99 - $7 Fetch Rewards = $0.99
General Mills Cereal 8.9-12 oz $1.47 wyb 3 = $4.41 - $1/2 IB - $1/2 Shopmium - $1.40/3 Fetch = $1.01 or $0.34 ea
*Knudsen Sour Cream 16oz $1.49 - $0.75 IB = $0.74
*Classico Pasta Sauce 15-24 oz $2.49 - $0.55 IB = $1.94
*Kellogg's Cereal 9.6-16.6 oz $2.99 - $1 Kellogg's cereal various IB = $1.99
Bridgeford Monkey Bread 16oz $4.49 - $1 IB = $3.49
Rondele Creamy Whipped Dip Cheese Spread $3.99 - $1 IB = $2.99

1 comment:

  1. If you have the free Chobani creamer coupon there is a 50 cent Ibotta. They are going to combine November and December Chobani coupons at Chobani this month. Should be a good month at Chobani!


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