The Vons/Albertsons Print Ads are out


I don't know how this happened but the Vons/Albertsons actual paper print ads are out before the digital ads are online!


  1. I did a pickup order at CVS and then bought something in the store. I have a week to use my ECB from the online order and I have a month to use my ECB from the store. This is the second time this has happened to me when I order online! When did this happen and why? Make sure you check your online ECB expirations.

    1. Yep...I learned that lesson a while'd think they'd be consistent, but they want you to hurry and place another order. What I do whenever I place an online or pickup order is go to CVS within a few days and print the ECB from the red box...then you'll have a month until it expires.

  2. If you go to an in store scanner it will print your ECB with a month expiration

  3. Thanks for both of your information!


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