Plotting and Planning



Yesterday, when I woke up with a full blown cold, I was shocked even though I was experiencing some cold symptoms on Thursday evening.  Looking back, I should have worn a mask when I went to donate that food.  I have no more boxes of tissues in my stockpile which is wild to me because we used to get boxes of tissues free at Rite Aid, CVS and even Target but they stopped that years ago...and this is the reason why we have to hop on money maker deals so we can grab a box of tissues.

We have 12 days until Thanksgiving Day, I highly recommend that you clean out your kitchen cabinets, refrigerator and freezer so you have room for the holiday fixings!

Can I say, "Use your Store Rewards to buy your Turkeys, Roasts or Hams!" I know people love stockpiling their Store Rewards but like at Vons/Albertsons, you can redeem 4 Rewards for a $7 Meat/Seafood Rewards and now, you can use multiples of the same rewards!!!!!!  I mean, if you are having a big or small Thanksgiving shindig...why not pull out all the stops???

I have updated the pricing in the "Thanksgiving" category over to right.

There will be a Smart Source and Save coupon inserts in the newspapers or depending upon where you live, it may be delivered to your mailbox or out in your drive way or lawn.

It’s Saturday …enjoy your day! On Sundays, I take the day off from blogging.

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 I saw this offer on Reddit :

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