I stopped activating those offers on SB/MP/Etc.


A reader, Denise, I think this week, had some questions about the rebate offers on Swagbucks and MyPoints and the conversion points for MyPoints.  The conversion .006 x X points = the offer amount.

The rebate offers that appear on the three amigos, I no longer activate those offer when they are added to Swagbucks, etc. because what was happening that as soon as I'd activate them, they'd disappear in a blink of an eye.  I have no idea why they were disappearing.

What I did is some tests to see if I bought the offer item and then immediately activate the offer and then submitted the receipt in my car is what ultimately worked or me.

If I activated and waited longer than 5 minutes to submit the receipt then the offer would disappear.

If I activated and then immediately submitted the receipt, I would get a pop up saying that I needed to request a review...and I didn't want to request to review as we all know that you are supposed to activate the offer first, then buy the offer item and then submit your receipt.

The reason that I knew that it would/should work n activating the offer after purchase because every once in a blue moon, over the years, I'd forget to activate the item before purchase and so I'd activate and then submit a receipt without a problem. 

It works for me but I cannot say that it will work for you.


  1. Thank you for letting us know about Swagbucks. I thought I was going crazy when I saw an offer and then it disappeared on Swagbucks. I think I will have to do the offers on MyPoints. MyPoints is giving me problems when I submitted an offer. On the third try it finally went thru.

    1. They are making it harder and harder for us to make money on these deals!🤣

    2. My Points ended up denying me. It looked like they were going to credit me but did not.

    3. Nooooo!!! I'm sorry that this happened to you. Maybe try activating the offer after you've made the purchase and then submitting your receipt?


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