Did you get a Weekend Warrior Ibotta Bonus???🧐


On Monday, I didn't get the Midweek Money Maker Ibotta Bonus and today, I haven't received the Weekend Warrior offer, yet.

Did you receive a Weekend Warrior Ibotta bonus today?


  1. Didn't do last week's cause they were off of 18 items, and didn't get any this week.

    1. Gavin...yeah, no...I don't do $5/18 bonuses and now, no bonuses, this week. Thank you for letting me know!

  2. Replies
    1. Denise, I wanted to make sure that I wasn't the only one. Thanks for your response!

  3. Replies
    1. NJ, this must be something new that they are doing. They are saving money by not offering the usual weekly bonuses & it is a smart move on their part. Thanks for letting me know!


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