You are going to hate the new Ibotta App Update🤣


Earlier, this month, Ibotta chose me to test their new Ibotta Make Over and it's a hot holy mess.  As you know, I am of the belief "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." but it appears that a lot of companies like to roll out new and improve app or website updates around the holidays.

Although, the Ibotta app has a homepage icon on the bottom left corner, it no longer works.  When click on the home page icon, it takes you back to the last store that you looked at!

For example, on Monday morning, around 7:30 a.m., I was trying to see if I had gotten a new Midweek Money Maker Bonus offer and I clicked on the home button and in the picture above, you see what I saw.  The last store that I was looking at the night before was Target and the app still had the $5 Weekend Warrior bonus displayed even though the offer had expires hours ago.

I tried refreshing the app but it was a no go so I rebooted my phone and to no avail, I couldn't get the screen to update until a couple hours later.

Also, in the screenshot shown above, I did not splice or photoshop the picture together, this is how my Ibotta app appears to me.

When Ibotta started Beta Testing the update is when we began having problems with the Ibotta software not properly crediting us for our purchases.  I find myself repeatedly submitting Trouble Tickets.  

I wonder if this is Ibotta's way of forcing us to use Walmart Cash?


  1. I know what you mean! Every time I have more than one for quantity they always show 1 item. I update the quantity but when they finally approve my receipt they only credited me for 1. This has happened to me for weeks now. I suggest to double check that you are getting the right amount.

    1. Denise, it's very frustrating! I'm thinking that they've switched to AI reviewing all receipts and they've gotten rid of the humans that used to manually review receipts.


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