Vons/Albertsons Deals


DQ = Digital Coupon

YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary (Your outcome may vary)

IB = Ibotta Rebate app

*  = Pick 4 or more and Save

⭐️ 10+ for $10 Promotion

Progresso Soup $1.49 x 10 = $14.90 - (5) $0.70 Fetch Rewards - (2) $1/3 Alexa - (2) $1/3 Shopmium - $25 wyb 10 Progresso Soup Rebate = FREE + $17.60 MM

{Albertsons Only}
Barilla Al Bonzo $2.99 - $1.50 DQ - $0.75 IB = $0.74

Yoplait Yogurt 4-6 oz $0.37 ea wyb 6 = $2.22 - (2) $0.50/5 Amigos = $1.22 OR $0.20 ea
⭐️Cup Noodles Stir Fry $1 - $0.50 IB = $0.50
*Light & Fit Zero Sugar 5.3 oz $0.99 - $0.75 IB = $0.24
*Minute Maid Zero Sugar Juice 52 oz $1.99 - $0.75 IB = $1.24
*Sargento Chunk 5-8 oz. $2.49 - $0.45 Fetch Rewards = $2.04
*Super Mario Oreo Cookies 12.2 oz $3.49 - $1 IB = $2.49
*Ore-Ida Tater Tots or Hash Brown Patties 20-32 oz $3.99 - $0.50 IB = $3.49
*Nestlé Bliss Creamer 32 oz $4.99 - $0.75 IB or $1 IB = $4.24 or $3.99
*Starbucks Flavored Creamer 28 oz $4.99 - $1 IB or $1.50 IB = $3.99 OR $3.49
Captain Morgan Rum 1.75-ltr. $14.99 - $2 DQ - $2.50 IB = $10.49
Ketel One Vodka 1.75-ltr. $23.99 - $2 DQ - $2.50 IB = 19.49


  1. See if you got a free Weber Grilling Spice.

  2. At Walgreens has Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, 100 Grand or Crunch Fun Size Candy for $2/4. Get 75 cents back on Ibotta limit 5.

  3. I almost forgot to buy the ground turkey!

    1. I had to grab the ad in store because I had a completely different ad on the Vons app in store.🤣

  4. I did not receive any of my ads this week. It sure has made it a lot harder to find deals. That is weird that you had a different ad. That must have made it really confusing!!!


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