Last Day 8/31 to use your Flavor Adventure Coupons🚨


A reader, Denise, says the following:

Remember at Vons 8/31 is the last day to use the Flavor Adventure digital coupons.

Thank you everybody that gave us ideas on what to buy on using the FA coupons.

My sure to go to My List on the app or website and scroll through your digital coupon to see if you have any Flavor Adventure coupons still available!

Thanks, Denise!


  1. Before coming to Sacramento, I had used all of the my $10 & $15 except for one $15 Paper/Cleaning and the (2) $10 Bakery and (2) $10 Deli. Oddly, enough about 3 days after my arrival like none of my digital coupons was working and contacted customer service and they went into my account gave me credit for it.

  2. I was at Vons so long my mom cancelled our get together with my aunt. 🤣 I used the last of my flower coupons to buy 2 little stuffed sharks. Also had to use bakery, personal care, deli. Still had $1 q's for cleaning, crackers, and novelties, and all the .75 sports drink q's too.

    1. OMG, and I thought that I had wait too long to use my Bakery, Deli, Personal Care and $1's a couple of weeks guys got me beat!🤣

    2. Yep...between Wed & Thurs I probably was there at least three hours...hubs wasn't happy on Wed & told me I was on my own for Thurs. The prob is that you really can't just go and put a bakery or deli (or personal care) item in your have to peruse the selection and figure out what you want. I tried the Bitchen sauce & a mango pico from the deli...things I normally wouldn't get (not at those prices!), and a Boston Creme cake from the bakery!

  3. Oh Ms sorry you had to go through that with everything else going on in your life. When I was at Albies yesterday, the FA coupons came off just fine, along with a $2.00 'Customer Service Credit' on each receipt (I did them separately just to be safe!). I'll bet customer service somehow got me those, really impressed.


Vons/Albertsons: Kevin's Natural Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz Only $3.99

Kevin's Natural Foods Thai-Style Coconut Chicken 16oz $7.99  -  $3.99 REBATE   = $3.99 (Thanks, NJ!)

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