Ralphs/Kroger: Beer Update


I contacted the Kroger customer service via Chat and the agent told me that PayPal Cash Back goes to your Cash Back total.  The agent was kind enough to add $15 to my Ralphs account.

I am wondering if the PayPal Cash Back is like the regular Cash Back in that you must activate the offer the day prior to redeeming the offer?  I think it was Cheryl who told us that jewel, although, that information is nowhere on the Cash Back page.

I suggest that you contact Kroger Customer Service to get your $15. To contact their customer service via chase:

1. Go to ralphs.com (or whatever affiliate) and scroll to the bottom of the page and "Contact US"

2.  Click "Launch Live Chat".


  1. Thanks Ms. B. After reading your comments I emailed Ralphs Customer Service about the issue (instead of using chat). Now I just checked the Ralphs app on my phone, and from the main Savings->Cash Back it's not showing any cash in my CB account, however when I click on "Cash Out" it rolls to another screen that shows "Paypal $15" in my account, so perhaps it's actually been there for days? Just FYI for everyone else...

    1. Vintage, I am so happy that you got the $15!!!🎉

      Before the beer deal, I had $17.50 in my RCB account and it still shows $17.50...but no harm, no foul as they added $15 to my account to spend.


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