Vons out did themselves in celebrating my birthday!!!!🎉🎂🥂💃🏿


Over the last three months, the holidays and special occasions have been particularly special since my release from the hospital.  My family was really disturbed at how quickly I went from normal to their unbelievable grief of me being in coma within a blink of an eye.

I don't want to say that my gifts have been kind of over the top but I have been really enjoying the wonderful Christmas gifts that I've received from my family. As well, I've already received my birthday gift from Mr. Man and I'll probably share it because Mr. Man knows exactly what I like!

However, imagine my surprise when I received a birthday email from Vons saying that Happy Birthday and here are your 5 Rewards!!!!!

I think last year, Vons patted me on my head and said some like here's this 1% off bagel one-time-only coupon and I'd never bought a bagel at Vons! LOLOLOLOL

I am super happy with this year's birthday offer.  Thank you, Vons!


  1. Happy Birthday... whenever it was/is!

  2. Happy belated birthday. I had mine as well but no reward and after calling Vons CS, I was given the $10 off for my birthday.

    1. OMG, LS, Happy Belated Birthday and thank you for the birthday wish. I am so happy for you that Vons recognized your birthday, too!!!🎉 My birthday is Feb. 16th.

  3. I really appreciate all you do Mrs. B and everyone else to help save money. Like Denise, I wondered where to go for eggs before your eggs posting. If you called Vons, Vons will give you the $10 as promised on the Vons.com website for your birthday.

    1. You got an awesome Customer Service person bc the dot com says up to $10. Count your blessings!

  4. Just a suggestion, since you never know, can we start a facebook group just in case with everyone on it to keep the group going? Thanks for the bday wish Mrs. B. Mrs. B, didn't you have a FB Theaccidentalsaver? I cannot find it.

    1. I went on Facebook and much to my surprise there is The Accidental Saver FB page! I think the web developer created the page. I'll have to get with someone who is an avid Facebooker bc I have not clue how to use Facebook!


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