You win some, you loose some


This morning, I got the dreaded "You used a coupon so we are not paying you" as shown above from Shopmium for the CVS receipt I submitted on Friday.  I am not mad because I bought two boxes of cereals for $1.98 and I got a $1/2 Ibotta credited.  Oh, by the way, the three musketeers all had the same response which is kinda rare but it also tells me that they are using the same third party review or payment service.

I think I am also noticing a pattern that the rejections are more store specific rather than coupon usage specific.

At least, for me, when I use a digital coupon at Target and submit to the three musketeers, my claim will be rejected for using a coupon. However, I can submit a receipt from Vons or Ralphs and use digital coupon and the three musketeers pay up without a problem.

In dealing with the three musketeers, I have had far way more wins than loses, otherwise, I wouldn't be participating in the shenanigans.

I document these types of things because I know that there are folks sitting out on the sidelines that are wanting or needing more information.

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