Vons/Albertsons: FREE Saturday Sampler!!!🏃🏽‍♀️🔥


Check your Vons/Albertsons account for the FREE Saturday Sampler of Lifeway Kefir, 32-oz. Limit 1 and Glenoaks Drinkable Yogurt, 32-oz. Limit 1!!!

Thanks, Growly & Cheryl!


  1. .99 for 1.5lb baby potatoes today only must clip coupon

  2. Vultures already claimed them all at my local Vons at 11:40am, and there are three flavors. 😖

    1. Sorry you didn't the freebie at your store. They probably swooped in especially because of the 32oz size.

    2. I went to a second store, and they only had the Kefir milk. A third store only had two of the yogurt drinks left. So, good times.


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