Vons/Albertsons: New Digital Coupons!!!🎉


$1 Bakery, $1 Yogurt, $1 Produce, $1 O Organic


  1. Uh oh...loaded all four q's to my acct...produce came off but bakery didn't (receipt said '$1.00 off basket'). Hubby was right next to me...did exactly the same thing...and they both came off (two separate '$1.00 off basket' lines on the receipt). Are we back to doing bakery & produce separately in order to get both $1.00's off?

    1. It was so weird that we checked out at the same time on two different self-checkout registers...his worked for both & mine didn't. Oh! We both also used the yogurt q...got the Chobani for $1.25 and got the $1.00 off.

    2. Ugghhhh, it sounds like they maybe playing with the register software as you and Gavin's bakery coupon didn't work.

  2. The Chobani for $1.25 is exactly what I bought and the coupon didn't come off for me. Very strange. Did you and your husband buy different bakery items? I bought the brookies.

    1. I went back to My List using the 96157 zip...the bakery q did come off, it was the produce that didn't. I think I'll just do separate transactions for bakery/produce and frozen/produce from now on. A few extra steps, but that's ok.


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