Vons/Albertsons: Vodka Deals!!!🍸


A reader, NJ, says the following:

AON.. for any Vodka lovers.  
Humboldt Organic Vodka...I have 2 loaded J4U q's $15 off and $20 off wyb 2. on sale for $16.66. So depending which Q comes off for you, a free bottle (the $20 would not come off for me, however the Supr at Pavilions gave me an additional $5 off.) I am not a Vodka drinker however my DH said it is a great Vodka (small batch distillery). Also get a $4 rebate on BYBE ...https://app.bybeapp.com/offers.  

Upcoming $5 Friday. Svedka Vodka $5 (wyb 6 alcohol) or $5.50 for a single bottle, IB had $1.50 L3 and BYBE has $2 L1.

Remember that the holidays are fast approaching and we want to grab our wine and spirits FREE or cheap for celebrating the holiday festivities!

Thanks, NJ!

1 comment:

  1. My J4U doesn't have the Humboldt Organic Vodka q's...too bad, seems like a great deal


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